Meet Lacey!


Lacey is an adorable 13 year old Smooth Fox Terrier. Lacey’s mom, Kristen DiVario, is a Hospital Nurse at RegionalVet.  A few months ago, Kristen thought Lacey was acting a bit senile and her belly seemed a bit rounder than usual. For peace of mind, she brought Lacey to RegionalVet to make sure everything was okay. Kristen and Lacey met with Dr. Slotterback, who recommended blood work and radiographs. Unfortunately, Kristen had been right to be concerned. The radiographs showed that Lacey had a large lung mass that was immediately aspirated and diagnosed as a bronchioalveolar carcinoma.

What do we know about Bronchioalveolar Carcinoma?

  • Bronchioalveolar carcinoma is a type of malignant cancer of the lung
  • Primary lung cancer, or tumors that originate in the lungs, is very uncommon in dogs
  • Dogs with this type of cancer are typically diagnosed around 11 years old
  • The following breeds have an increased risk: Boxers, Dobermans, Australian Shepherds, Irish Setters and Bernese Mountain Dogs
  • Possible risk factors include: urban living and exposure to pollution and second hand smoke, therefore we strongly recommend that you do not smoke around your pets
  • Most dogs have no clinical signs and the tumors are found incidentally or during normal geriatric screeningMost common signs include coughing, difficulty breathing, lethargy, weight loss and coughing up blood
  • The best way to diagnose lung cancer is through thoracic radiograph

Dr. Slotterback recommended removing the mass and Kristen agreed.  In a lengthy four hour surgical procedure, Dr. Griffin removed a large mass from Lacey.  Today Lacey is home and feeling better and she is once again enjoying long walks with mom and playing with her sister!

“Primary lung tumors can often go undiagnosed until the patient becomes symptomatic – which is sometimes too late. Being a proactive owner pays off! If I had dismissed the doctor’s recommendation for radiographs, who knows if Lacey would be here today. I am proud to have such a tough cookie like Lacey and I am even more proud to work at a place like RegionalVet that has such amazing and thorough doctors. I have seen so many miracle patients come to RegionalVet, but now I have the pleasure of saying my Lacey is one of them.”  ~ Kristen DiVario.

Since this is such a silent cancer, pet owners need to be proactive with proactive preventive care exams and diagnostics. You may also want to consider a cancer screen test. For more information about this, please visit our website at or call 856.429.1388.